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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 8:32 pm on Oct 9, 2014 by: Alexander R Arcane II
Power Shifts and Major Announcements

After the controversial briefcase episode resulting in the #1 Contendership.

Suddenly, the CreatureTron igntes to LIFE with a spine chilling awe-inspiring theme we all know and fear. For Alexander Arcane is HERE!

Alexander exits from the stage with a his classic smirk on his face. He's gotten older over the years and his hair was filled with grey reflecting his everlasting tenure as the most powerful Promoter on the planet! Once he entered the ring, he swiftly received the mic to make a special announcement.

Alexander Arcane: I just came out here to get to the point. First, it comes to NO surprise that Creatures emerged to attempt to challenge the GREATEST CHAMPION OF ALL TIME... DEADBLOOD! Quite pathetic if you ask me. You pesky Creatures have been a blessing and a curse to me for MY ENTIRE LIFE! But it does not matter to me, or to Deadblood, WHO is the #1 Contendership to the single most greatest and highest belt in the existence! ...... because when the dust all clears and is done.... Deadblood will stand triumphant as the ABSOLUTE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION OF THIS SPORT!

As always with Alexander's commanding presence and public speaking skills- he rallied up an electric mass of thousands in attendance! But oh he is not done, not by a long shot!

Alexander Arcane: I am a man of my word, the contract stands. So officially the next Championship match will be.... The REIGNING Double-Champion fighting up against the reemergence of King Gojinn. Can epic encounter pale in comparison as words to describe this heated clash of Titans? Barely..... So I am further releasing NEWS that these two competitors are to wage war on the NEXT Pay-Per-View: CreatueWrestling INFERNO CRISIS!


Micheal Cole: That's... that's incredible news!! we have the event name... but what about the date and stipulation?

Alexander Arcane: INFERNO CRISIS will be coming to you UNDEAD on Halloween day itself!... October 31st. But oh oh.... it gets better. You see. Now that we have a date in mind, we need a special stipulation.... and for that stipulation, I leave that entirely up to our NEW and REHIRED Commissioner.... I introduce to you....... Commissioner Bebra!

Micheal Cole: Don't say it is so!

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