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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 3:09 am on Aug 31, 2010 by: Chane McMahon
I need an easier job lol

The brute intensity of the match has reached a whole new level!!! Instantly, as Chane breaks up the pin- Harvey, full of adrenaline and frustrations, runs to only execute a jumping diamond cutter on Chane's neck sending the General DP straight to HELL!

Micheal Cole: Holy @#!!! what a match!

But as Branden turns to meet eye-to-eye with Drkside- the four ring corners EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!


After the lights return to normal, THE FANS SCREAM AS LORD MORTISMERE WAS RIGHT BEHIND BRANDEN IN THE RING WITH THE UNDISPUTED TITLE!!! WITH A PURPOSEFUL LAUNCH WITH THE TITLE- MORTISMERE NEARLY TAKES BRANDEN'S HEAD OFF!! Drkside rolled to one of the turnbuckle corners and rested his arms up on the middle rope while watching the exchange with interest....

Meantime- grinning sadistically! from one end of his face to the other- Mortismere reaches down to scoop Branden up to only fling him across his massive shoulders for an attitude adjustment- however, whatever it was- determination, spirit or just plain insanity- Branden sets Mortismere off balance and catches the Undisputed champion on the way down to the mat with a spike DDT!!!!

Branden rose to his feet and walked around the fallen Mortismere full of intensity!! he then grabbed ahold of Mortis' legs and was just about to slap on a single leg submission when at that very moment Drkside dashed with a running bulldog sending Branden head first into the canvas floor!!!! The mayhem was outrageous... bodies everywhere but it didn't stop there- Chane manages to get up but Drkside turns to catch Chane with a choke hold!!!!

Chane McMahon: NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Chane shoots up like a rocket but Branden sits up and snaps Drkside in his inside ankle- locks him up nice and tightly with a small package and the ref immediately went for the



Micheal Cole: Not not him again!!!!

Mortis.... Mortismere breaks the hold by jumping high up into the air and came DOWN WITH A SMASHING LEG DROP ON THE BACK OF THE REF!!! The ref was completely destroyed-- and with him out of the way, Mortismere locks his sights on Branden. It didn't take too long at all for Mortismere to rip the side turnbuckle padding- he turns and marches to only catch Branden by the neck and flinged him over his right shoulder for a snake-eyes!!!! MORTISMERE RAN AND SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS WHEN....

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