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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 6:11 pm on Sep 27, 2006 by:

Gojinn turns, and spins, swinging and letting go of the sledgehammer, while Spade throws his like an axe!!! The sledge and shovel clash and explode into shards of wood, as the weighted steel flies off, and the shovel head simply spirals down into the ground mere inches from Gojinn!!!

After the weapons burst a part- Darkspade charged at Gojinn at a tempered velocity! Gojinn ducked a hell's clothesline and turned Spade around with sharp jabs to the ribs! Darkspade leaned slightly forward, and Gojinn satup Spade in a Powerbomb position- but Spade powers Gojinn up and over. Gojinn lands hard on the cold rotted earth. Immediately, we see the psychotic side of Spade, as if there was any normacy- he drops his elbow in a old fashioned technical precision and he just blantely chokes Gojinn with the heel of the broken wooden shovel. DS then slams on a double Arm lock and forcefully drags a kicking Gojinn to the steps of a mausoleum! Spade lifts Gojinn up to apply a Final Guidance on the steps!!! but suddenly, Gojinn reverses and Spade is a victim to a diamond cutter neck breaker!! right on those steps!!!

Huffing and puffing for air... Gojinn sees a potted plant and picks that up! he carries it over Darkspade's head - DROPPING IT!! DROPPING IT DOWN OVER DARKSPADE IN THE INTENT TO CRUSH HIS HIS HEAD WIDE OPEN!! - Darkspade rolled out of the way in time... and stops at the steps of the mausoleum.. but inches away as the shovel head.... Gojinn didn't know. As Gojinn came in close - Darkspade grabes the shovel head and **BAM!**


The smashing of the shovel across Gojinn's exposed head made a sicking bell sound that echoed throughout the graveyard! The shovel itself was actually dented!!! Gojinn drops down immediately and Spade, loving every minute of it, piers down at the knocked out rival! Spade wasted no time and picks Gojinn up and over his shoulder! Spade twirled Gojinn around and dropped him again with a Snow Plow!! On his knees infront of Gojinn lying there- out of it!- Darkspade just laughs.... manically.. Laughs!!! Took awhile before he realized that he needed to find the grave... and so, he walked up the mausoleum when...

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[Undisputed Champion (4); CW/CWE World Heavyweight Champion (3); CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)]

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