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Posted at 10:54 pm on Apr 1, 2010 by: dylangeorge
Dylan George... the REAL story.

Louisville, KY
March 3rd, 1988

...Ideas of pre natal chronological surgery are being passed through the city streets, as an epidemic of; still birth, downsyndrom, pre mature and physically deformed children starts sweeping the Ohio Valley region...

After learning from the family physician that their child too would be stricken with forms of downsyndrom and deformity, Bradly and Janette George, decide that bringing another child with such problems into the world would only further hinder the advancement of man. With only a few months before their baby boy was to be born, Brad and Janette, wasted little time investing into resources and contacts in the black market...

Les Cayes, Hati
May 6th, 1988

Brad and Janette finally found a contact that would be able to help alter their unborn child's genes, preventing any physical deformities...
Once the couple had arrived, sources told the two that the man that would be helping them was just an old Mystic/Prophet, who really knew not of what he was offering... Desperate the couple decided to try his Mystic's methods anyway.
They entered the mans hut, the building was full of ancient looking artifacts, age old books and skeleton bones everywhere. The man was cloaked in dark rags and his face was covered with a shrewd black mask, exposing only his skinny war-warned hands. He sat the couple down and slowly raised his arms in the air as he started to recite from a ancient looking book...

'Ye soon shall day come...
Man born from mortal blood...
Bares holy darkness wretched without love...
Hunt shall he do...
Knowing not of what he knew...
As the Death one by one by his feet...'

The man then stabbed a dirty syringe into the arm of Janette, the vial sparkled of a light blue color, shimmering and pulsing throughout it...

The mystic yelled as Janette began to scream,

Blue veins started to flash throughout her body, and her face started to twist and mangle. She then started vomiting a blue liquid and along with it came deformed fetus body parts...

'Be watching without knowing and hunting without sowing'
Brad looked at the man in disgust as he continued to chant from the book,
The sky turned black as lighting ripped through the clouds and for a split second, as the screaming calmed, the normally hot climate of Hati witnessed it's first snow...

Louisville, KY
July 9th, 1988
Janette George gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy... the boy was named Dylan.

December 25th, 1997
Nine yearold Dylan and his parents were walking home throughout the alley ways of of Downtown...
The sound of glass being broken startled them, they quickly turned to notice that they were being surrounded on both sides of the alley by local gang members. Within in an instant Dylan's father, Brad, was struck over the head with a ball bat, cracking his skull open and exposing his brain on the pavement...
Janette broke out in screeches as the members of the gang proceeded to hold her down and rape her violently... Dylan stood on, his eyes began to water, the young boy looked into the sky and started to scream.
The tears from his eyes started to convert into blood and the ground beneath him started to shake.
The boy screamed at the gang members as his eyes flashed into a radiant color of blue,
The veins in his eyes quickly turned black and he jetted off after the gang members and started slaughtering them with his bare hands.
His speed was inhuman at best as he appeared in front of one person after another, delivering quick blows to their throats...

One gang member was able to escaped as Dylan clutched his mother and father in his arms.

Days later Dylan was discovered by EX.Federation wrestling star 'The Hitman' who owned a wrestling studio around the corner. He took Dylan into his home and raised him... be continued....

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