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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 9:33 pm on Aug 26, 2006 by: DARKSPADE
At the LAST minutes......

Pimp made his way climbing the wall and over to compartment number 2!!! at the same time, The Creeper and RukkuS also enter the highly popular compartment number 2!!! Gojinn and Darkspade in the meantime are unaware of their approaching visitors!


King: w00t!!!! ORGY !! JR!!!

JR: your sick! is that all you have on your mind!! this is for the Undisputed Creature Wrestling Championship!!!! It's going to be a bat out of hell once the 2 min timmer sounds off!! and the Assialant is still in the first compartment!!! The mesh have been CUT!!! Omggggg...!!!!

The ENTIRE STRUCTURE RATTLES!!- Darkspade stands and chokes Gojinn up along with him. The fans are screaming their heads off as Darkspade twirls Gojinn over his right shoulder and runs with


Suddenly The Creeper drops into the compartment RIGHT before Darkspade was going to met his mark with Gojinn!! the massive Creeper LAUNCHED A CLOTHESLINE OUTTA HELLLLLLL as Darkspade was going 90 mph!!!! Gojinn and Darkspade twirl into the air and drop hard ontop of each other!!! The sickening Creeper easily picks Spade up by the head and SLAMS DS' face into the mess further making the structure rattle and even tilt!!!! Then... Pimp comes flying from above as he also enters the 2nd compartment.. but ontop of Gojinn with a striking AXE HANDLE!!!!

Gojinn startles but then blocks a right hand from Pimp!!! Gojinn follows up with a neck drop clothesline!!! But then turns to see the big man, Creeper mandhandling Spade..... Gojinn was enjoying this - he dropped down doging a massive roundhouse kick from the Creeper... Gojinn jumps into mid-air and SPIRAL KICKS The Creeper behind his big head!!!

Suddenly, RuKKuS comes in for the save on Darkspade-- and he caught The Creeper in a rock bottom- as Gojinn spiral kicks him! DOWN GOES The Creeper!! RuKKuS gets up and then turned his sights at Gojinn....



JR: It is now @2mins!!! The wrestlers MUST get out of the compartment they are currently in or they will be eliminated when times out!!!

... The 2 min warning suddenly sounds off!!! RuKKuS looks up at the red siren flashing from the central axis of the structure and panics!!!

Then Pimp sees The Assilant climbing his way into compartment number 3. Pimp climbs his way to met Assilant and to save himself from being eliminated.

Darkspade gets up and quickly engages Gojinn as he was also trying to get out of the compartment!!! Gojinn managed to be in the middle of the mesh wall but then- to make matters even worse- the walls then start moving going in a clockwise rotation!!!! Darkspade flings off the mesh not able to catch Gojinn but then notices The Creeper was up... Darkspade makes a running start and then springs off the side of the mesh-- onto the Creeper's shoulder and then snaps ahold of Gojinn by the ankle just before Gojinn was able to fully enter compartment number 1!!! However, Gojinn started to purposely shake the mesh fencing and Darkspade was losing his grip.

The Creeper turned his sights to Pimp who was now in the compartment number 3 with the Assilant!! the timmer then signaled again!



JR: OMG 30 secs left!!!

Frantic- the Creeper sees the hole made from before as the inner chamber passed the area where the 3rd compartment was.... The Creeper climbs out of the hole and then made his way in the 3rd compartment.

RuKKuS again, goes to interfer with the struggle between Gojinn and Darkspade. Climbing the mesh towards compartment #1... RuKKuS manages to get over the wall but then Gojinn elbowed RuKKuS in the guts!! RuKKuS loses his grip and ......... FALLS! down to the canvas floor inside of compartment #1!!



Fans: 10





Darkspade was STILL not out of the compartment he could get eliminated from!! Gojinn rattled.. punched and even SPIT at Darkspade on the other side of the mesh... Darkspade still hung on... then... the timmer reached 4 secs!!! Darkspade clsoed his eyes and then leaped up to reach the end of the mesh wall and then purposely fell to the compartment below!!! Gojinn then dropped down and both where on their backs!!!




Pimp, The Assilant and Creeper where in compartment 3...
Darkspade, RuKKuS and Gojinn ended up in compartment 1!!!

Other messages in this thread:
  • TF Block: 10->20mins - Admin - 11:44:33 PM on 08/27/2006
  • TF Block: 0->10mins - CreatureWrestling - 6:00:03 PM on 08/08/2006
  • ENTRANCE THREAD (post your entrances into the ring here) - CreatureWrestling - 5:58:38 PM on 08/08/2006
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