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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 1:39 am on Apr 11, 2011 by: DARKSPADE
Well shit. That wasn't very nice

From another angle, a brilliant red light burst through the air and the countdown from off of the CreatureTron was winding down from 10 seconds.... 9.....8.....7.....

Each of them who was in the ramble, except for one, stood shocked as the crimsonlight engulfed Darkspade!!! Brandon and Stephan stepped aside and stared at Charon who hand that gun held straight and true at her intended target!!! Even Markus off to the side stood with his arms crossed in utter disbelief and enjoyment. The expression on Charon was nothing. Not a godamn tear! For as the crimsonlight overtook Spade's form everyone watching saw it along with the rest in the ring- but Spade fought back!! Unlike the others who were disintegrated- Spade evoked his Unholy Cardinal form and was seemingly fighting it.

Micheal Cole: This... this is unbelievable ladies and gentlemen. Charon Death has fired upon her own father and Spade is doing everything that he can to shield off the ill effects of the crimsonlight and not winning... he is good as DEAD because this is an utter joke if he survives! I mean, if you opened a dictionary and located SIN you would see a portrait of Darkspade!!

Jerry, "The King" Lawler: I am lost for words- I pray he doesn't die and the countdown is near it's end!! FIGHT IT SPADE FIGHT IT!!!

And boy did Spade try.... As the camera angle slowly panned around Spade in an all encompassing angle- it actually seemed to be working! The power that was inside of the Unholy One was enormous!! Darkspade even stared at Charon the whole time with a smile... Charon smiled right back and then sickeningly she PULLS THE GODDAM TRIGGER NOT JUST ONE MORE BUT A TOTAL OF 5 TIMES AT HER OWN FATHER SHE EVEN ENJOYED IT!!!!

Jim Ross: B'jesus what gotten over her! THAT'S YOUR FATHER DAMMIT!!

UC UURGHHHH...ururrrrrragghhhaaaaaaaa....!!!!!

After the explosion. Nothing was left of him. Not even a stream opened which was peculiar. Charon stood there with the gun firmly in her hand and the bell rang with the announcement.

Lauren C. Mayhew: Your winner, and NEW Absolute Undisputed Champion... Charon of Death!

Charon had the gull to then demand that the ref place the belt across her waist- she didn't even ask for Angel to come out as her most precious award....

Bio | The Unholy Chronicles |The Unholy Reminiscence

[Undisputed Champion (4); CW/CWE World Heavyweight Champion (3); CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)]

Other messages in this thread:
  • Special Standpoint: Charon Death by Amile Bubilefark - CreatureWrestling - 7:51:28 PM on 02/20/2011
  • Unsanctioned Match: Charon Death VS Kizmat - CreatureWrestling - 7:50:32 PM on 02/20/2011
  • Main Event: The Absolute Undisputed Championship - CreatureWrestling - 7:48:42 PM on 02/20/2011
  • Location #3: Tripoli, Libya - CreatureWrestling - 3:49:09 AM on 04/04/2011
  • Location #2: London, England - CreatureWrestling - 2:56:56 AM on 03/28/2011
  • Location #1: Los Angeles California. USA - CreatureWrestling - 8:00:40 PM on 02/20/2011
  • Current Members Online: Guest,