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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 8:09 pm on Apr 4, 2010 by: dylangeorge
Opening Trailer...

The Voice of Jerry The King Lawler:

"What is a war? By definition it is a contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities...
But what if it is more than that?

(Images of Charon of Death and Dylan George appear on the screen)

A princess seeking the revenge of her abducted children, being hindered by a sadistic new foe, hell bent on destroying her family...

(Images of Darkspade and Drkside appear on the screen)
A bloodthirsty champion, feared by many and challenged by few, facing a tyrant of tyrants who knows no limitations...

(Images of Stewie Xtreme, Kizmat and Drkside appear on the screen)
A underdog champion of the past, determined to prove his place among the elite, trying to unravel the skeptics against overwhelming odds...

Wars have been won and lost, throughout all of time- victors and villains, the defeated and the damned. And tonight, San Fransisco is the battle ground for what is to be an epic clashing of titans and tyrants... a Warzone...
This is CREATURE WRESTLING is MAD, and tonight MAD IS A WAR!!!!!!!!!!

Other messages in this thread:
  • ooc - Admin - 3:36:22 AM on 04/05/2010
  • Interview Segment: CW President: Richard Arcane - CreatureWrestling - 7:06:22 PM on 04/04/2010
  • Non-Title CW Heavyweight Championship: DARKSPADE(c) VS DRKSIDE - CreatureWrestling - 7:05:42 PM on 04/04/2010
  • Main Event: Stewie Xtreme VS KIZMAT VS Drkside - CreatureWrestling - 7:04:36 PM on 04/04/2010
  • (deleted)
  • Current Members Online: Guest,