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MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 4:10 am on Jul 5, 2014 by: --????--
You Got Red On You.

Sheri and Deadblood froze in place now... desperate to not give away their position. Neither tried any sort of movement, terrified that he might strike at any mom- "HERE'S SHERI!" Gojinn slid sideways into the opening of their aisle, quickly drawing and swinging the lengthy katana blade over her head and through the shelving unit clean!!! Sheri and Deadblood scrambled towards the next aisle over to ready themselves, Gojinn pulled the blade back and over his shoulder again, walking after them. He reached up and adjusted his mask again, resting the blade over his shoulder. His eyes followed their path away from him. He could hear them speeding off.

He could hear them mumbling around another corner of shelves. He pulled his right hand back again, the blade still resting on his left shoulder, and gathered more telekinetic energy, forcing it to his hand and shaping it as a projectile. He planned to throw it on the shelves nearby, sending them flying into one another, but suddenly, the shelving he was standing next to all came toppling over, striking him in the head!! It didn't do too much else besides topple him and bury him with sealed bags of bedding, as it collapsed perpendicular to the other shelves on that side of the store. Gojinn rubbed his head and squinted, stunned by the sudden crushing blow. Furious, he swung his hand to the shelves and forced them to topple the other way into the store.

He stood, cracking his neck and sweeping the sword up, dragging the blade across the tile flooring as he slowly walked around to face his attackers, certainly hiding around the other side of the shelves... or not...

Gojinn laughed. Perhaps they were more clever than he originally thought. He turned, seeing no one in sight. Silence all around. They were certainly making this fun, but a little more concentration and he could sense their power off in the shadows. His eyes locked in their direction. "NOW!" Sheri screamed. Gojinn looked puzzled for a moment before darkness started flying towards him. He couldn't understand what was happening, until it was almost too late. Several screws made it into his flesh before he threw up a telekinetic shield, spraying the rest to every side of himself. They rained through the store, as Gojinn slowly walked towards them now, dragging the sword. "I'm gonna kill you both slowly then. ENOUGH OF THIS!!" He threw the blade back over his shoulder, uppercutting upwards up the aisle they were at the end of...

Telekinetic energy ripped up the tiling and exploded against the wall at the end of the aisle. They weren't there. They were gone at that point. Gojinn turned and walked towards the automotive department. He'd best them at their own games. He kept looking around himself, sure they were around and close by. Deadblood had asked Sheri to refrain from using her powers. When she'd thrown the screws, he could feel her out better. Now that they were both relying on hiding, it was getting harder. He had to draw them out. He grabbed a large suitcase as he walked down the aisle and into the automotive section. This, he thought, would be perfect. He took one arm and swiped the nearest aisle clean of motor oil. He zipped the bag almost totally shut, sheathing his katana blade and unscrewing the cap of the oil.

"If you're hoping the police and fire rescue come storming through any minute now, you're out of luck 'Blood. The people paying me for this little job have ALSO paid the police and fire squads to delay responses. And just when they can't put it off ANY more... down goes the WHOLE system." Gojinn laughed now, completely losing compassion for the man and his female comrade. He began dumping large quantities of oil on the floor as he walked, leaving a trail back to the aisle with the remaining oil. He shook the containers about, leaking them up onto curtains, towels, clothing, furniture... anything he passed by. "They don't care who else gets hurt as long as YOU die. And Deadblood... if I can't die... then you're NEVER going to live." He began to laugh almost harder now as he traveled through the store, criss-crossing back and forth through aisles.

"He's right." Deadblood whispered to Sheri. They looked at one another, some distance apart. Deadblood, for a single moment, had seemed to give up. That was until he stood and stepped into the open aisle, winding his arm up and whipping the circular saw blade!! Sheri focused her energy towards Deadblood, who used the title belt and his own inner strength to send the deadly blade flying straight at Gojinn's face!! HIS HAND OUTSTRETCHED IN THE DIRECTION OF THE BLADE AND PALMED IT, STOPPING IT DEAD, THE FORCE SIMPLY BENDING HIS ARM TOWARDS HIS HEAD AT THE ELBOW.

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" Gojinn straightened his arm out hard and fast, launching the blade back towards Deadblood, narrowly missing him as he ducked back around behind the shelving unit. Sheri jumped out, throwing one of the handsaws at him while he was distracted. He walked towards Deadblood, tunnel vision on lock, but managed to swipe his sword and deflect the flying blade, it's teeth aiming to slide across the front of his throat. Sheri simply blinked, the speed of his motion unreal. It had taken less than a blink for him to pull the sword again and block her weapon. He looked down the other aisle, noticing Sheri. "Under different circumstances, it might've been fun to hone your skills."

Gojinn dropped his suitcase, pulling another bottle of oil out. He popped the cap and the seal inside, whipping it down to her end of the store. Sheathing his sword again, he balled another telekinetic projectile in one hand. "Years ago, I could manipulate the world around me. I could create elements out of thin air. Now... I can't, but I can harness them in a way... hahahahahahaa...." Gojinn pulled a lighter from his pocket, flicking it one time and drawing a flame, before touching it to the orb of swirling energy floating above his palm. Sheri's eyes went wide as Gojinn tucked the lighter and pulled another bottle of motor oil out, crushing the top off and leaking oil around himself. "You're a little tense Sheri. You're bringing down the party. LIGHTEN UP!!!"

Gojinn threw the bottle of oil flying down the aisle, before sending a flaming telekinetic wave at her end of the store!! "SHERI!!!", Deadblood screamed. He ran towards her few aisles, but had to drop to the floor a moment later. The fire exploded against the wall of the store, ripping along it for several feet and setting fire to anything willing to catch. He turned the other direction now, still holding enough energy and fire within to let loose another flaming energy wave through the other end they'd covered... and that HE had covered with motor oil. The store caught fire quickly, started to fill it with smoke. Luckily, the high ceilings kept the smoke and heat from being overwhelming at first.

Gojinn smirked and reached up with his right hand, drawing the katana again and dropping the blade to the floor. The water sprinklers turned on now, furthering the serious fire problem as it spread the flaming oil further, burning anything that was still dry. The sound of the sharpened steel on tile was grinding to Deadblood, was was quickly moving very low towards Sheri's position. The sound of flames, fire alarms and water raining everywhere now was overwhelming, so the sound of Deadblood's coughing was fairly masked as he finally found Sheri, covered up by a flaming blanket. He ripped the oil soaked comforter from her body and threw it aside!!

"YAHHHHH!" Deadblood fell straight over onto his side, eating a hard right handed punch to his face. "Oh no!" Deadblood sat up, rubbing his face as he looked to Sheri, completely baffled. "I thought it was him!" Sheri shrugged, getting to her feet. "Nice move with the blanket..." Sheri tried to take the compliment as she swept up her remaining gear and ran off with Deadblood, further down the long aisle towards yet another part of the store. Gojinn heard the slapping of wet footprints on tile taking off and screamed, unleashing a huge telekinetic wave that began toppling shelves heading their direction!! CRASH.... CRASH.... CRASH.... CRASH.... CRASH.... CRASH..... CRASH.....

"GO!" "I AM!"

Gojinn smirked, continuing to chase after them in a slow, methodical walk, dragging that blade along maniacally....

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CWE Undisputed Championship (1)
CWE World Heavyweight Championship (2)
CW Dual Core Championship (1)
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