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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 4:30 am on Apr 11, 2011 by: MONOPOLY
Please Welcome!

As the lights faded..........

The Monopoly C-Tron played, and from the back stepped forth Alexander and Richard Arcane!! Together, the brothers walked in unison to the ring and entered it where a pedestal with the coveted Absolute Undisputed championship resided with Charon's likeness etched in it's golden plate. Alexander took the mic and pointed to the mass....

Alexander Arcane: Tonight history will be made once again in this special inauguration ceremony. I introduce to you, the Absolute Undisputed Champion of this sport.... Charon of Death!

Other messages in this thread:
  • Backstage Segments - CreatureWrestling - 1:21:32 AM on 04/05/2011
  • In-Ring Segment: The NEW Absolute Undisputed Champion - CreatureWrestling - 1:21:04 AM on 04/05/2011
  • Main Segment - CreatureWrestling - 1:19:59 AM on 04/05/2011
  • Current Members Online: Guest,