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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 2:51 pm on Jul 10, 2011 by: Lord Mortious (Unholy Empire)
Awh Poor Thing....


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With the entire arena plunged in an endless abyss of Unholy Darkness... a singular bright white light illuminated from the ground up from the top of the stage... a form stood there.... head down and draped in a long black robe. The camera executed a double shot between that of the figure and that of Charon Death whom was suffering from the side effects of the medication- she didn't know if this was real or from her mind.

Silently- the figure made its first step forward and as it did- the entire arena shook!! Lightning crashed and thunder roared!

As the figure came into view with the camera and then displayed on the one and only CreatureTron- everyone knew who it was. It was Mortismere.... rather, Lord Mortious inside of the dead body of Dark Dylious.

The stench coming from the body was overwhelmingly horrifying and gross... but that matter not. Because with a sinister grin from his lips- Lord Mortious entered the ring which made everyone except for Charon to back off.

The camera rotated around the two. Lord Mortious, know no longer an over 7 footer and more built like a normal wrestler- looked eye to eye with Charon Death. Charon could sense the ridiculous evil bastard that resided inside of the body.... and couldn't help but let off a chuckle... this only irritated Lord Mortious but nonetheless he took the mic from off of the canvas floor and pointed right at Charon....

Mortious: You should be thanking me Charon. [Charon looked confused] I spared you the humiliation of defeat and thus your utter demise. [walks close up to her lips] There was another reason besides complete control over the Holy Darkness and in due time, Holy Light.... I saw how you looked at Dark Dylious. Don't give me that confused look- I saw how you wanted his body. You were practically drooling!! It occurred to me. That it couldn't have been my charming personality but the fact that I was TOO overwhelmingly TOO good looking for you... so... it dawned on me. That you deserve a lesser looking man... So assuming control over this body was my plan from the very beginning. By corrupting Dark Dylious' mind and weakening him to my will... he did EVERYTHING that I commanded him to do!!! Mwhhhaaaaa... and now. Charon. We can now be together and rule this world under our diabolical evilness. But there is yet another little snag... my brother, Kizmat. Charon, denounce your marriage to that buffoon RIGHT here... RIGHT now...

Reverend Jones and Alexander just looked at each other as if they thought the same thing. Whereas, Charon couldn't contain the amusement in her any longer and replied.....

Other messages in this thread:
  • In-Ring Segment: Charon of Death - CreatureWrestling - 4:36:02 AM on 07/07/2011
  • Main Event Segment - CreatureWrestling - 4:34:27 AM on 07/07/2011
  • Current Members Online: Guest,