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MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 7:28 am on Jan 20, 2014 by: Sheri Stull
Well, what makes you think you can bullshit your way into my head?

Sheri scrambled to clear the windowsill before Deadblood could catch up, and from the sound of things he was right on her tail. The glass window pane she’d flung at him hadn’t done much to slow him down, and she could feel that steady ache coming on now. She’d pushed herself almost to the limit, and she’d be paying for it soon.

Then she saw it.

The barred, padlocked door.

“Fuck!” She cried, realizing of all the windows she’d chosen to escape through, she’d picked what was apparently the commissary area of a restaurant, the door padlocked to prevent employees from absconding with a case of juicy steaks or an industrial sized jar of mayonnaise.

Heart pounding along with her head, she looked around for another other avenue of escape as Deadblood climbed in the window, and upon spotting the door, began to laugh harshly.

“No where to run, Sheri. I suppose you could try to toss one of those freezers my way, but you don’t look so good right about now.”

Indeed, the ache was steadily increasing, and along came the sickness that accompanied it, her face rapidly paling as she seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation. Deadblood smirked, careful to block the windowsill, katana at the ready, savoring this turn of events.

She turned to the door, and he could see the chain begin to rattle slightly as she attempted to work the padlock off. Deadblood laughed as he suddenly used that strange power to shove a shelf full of boxes to block the door in the event that she did somehow manage to get the chain off.

Sheri swore again, unintelligibly as her hands crept to her head, as she attempted to back away from Deadblood who still blocked the path to the window.

“Nothing? Not even gonna try to peg me with one of those condiment jars, or toss a case of steaks at me?” As she took another shaky step away from him in an attempt to buy just enough time to recover he gave another mental push and swept her legs out from under her, sending her sprawling to the ground. Her head struck the concrete floor hard as she landed, and then everything was dark.

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