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Posted at 1:49 am on Sep 13, 2017 by: Red Spyder
You make me wish I'd pulled out.

To make matters worse, the Charon standing next to Darkspade felt something crawling up her leg and looked down to see it was some kind of strange, furry sewer creature. Disgusted, she pulled it off with the tip of her katana, raising it in front of her for a better look. She realized it wasn't a sewer creature. It was the only part of Donald Grump that remained in the future: his pussy-grabbing hair.

With Charon distracted by something worse than an alligator in the sewer, Chane opened his mouth to launch more crabs. Needing Charon to focus and needing to prevent the creation of even more crabs, Spade killed two birds with one stone by grabbing Grump's hair and throwing it at Chane's face. His aim was perfect and Grump's hair quickly wrapped around Chane's head, blocking off his mouth. Chane fell into the sewer water as he struggled to remove the hair monster. The real Charon and Staphanie simply stepped over him and continued forward, closing in on the other Charon and Spade.

In Hra'gad's chamber, the others were still struggling for control of the Beef. With Triple Nose trying to copulate with Red yet again and Deadblood trying to keep chimera Hra'gad at bay with his katana, this left Angel as the only one free to reach the upside-down bucket. She dove towards it to rescue the Beef. When she tried to pick up the bucket however, a foot came down onto it, keeping it in place. Angel looked up to see it was Markus.

A smirk on his face, Markus said, "So close, yet so far. Too bad. Isn't it past your bedtime anyway?"

The last comment pissed off Angel. Placing her hands together into a ball, she slammed them down onto the top of Markus' boot. It hurt her more than it hurt him.

It didn't hurt him at all actually. Markus instead reached down and grabbed Angel by her hair, dragging her to her feet. "Such a snotty little bitch! You aren't worthy of being Hra'gad's mother!"

"GET AWAY FROM MY ANGEL!" Red yelled. He was still partially tied up by Triple Nose's nose hair tentacles and he was still without his Monster Beef. That didn't mean he wasn't keeping an eye on the love of his life. Charging, he delivered a big boot to the side of Markus' head, knocking him away from Angel and the bucket. Markus crashed into the organic wall, shaking it, becoming attached to its stickiness.

Relieved, Red and Angel faced each other. He couldn't touch her with his hands since the hair tentacles had his arms tied to his sides. That didn't stop her from standing on her tiptoes and leaning against his cleavage for a kiss.

As eager as she was to kiss Red, she jumped back and screamed when Triple Nose crawled onto Red's face to block the kiss. Instinctively, she drew an arm back and punched Triple Nose, causing boogers to shoot out like pus. At first, nothing else happened. Then blood started dripping out into the boogers and the nose screamed. Retracting its nose hair tentacles, it dropped to the floor and scurried back into the floor grate.

Both Red and Angel breathed a sigh of relief. This time he grabbed her and they kissed hard, Angel messing up Red's make-up as they ground their slits together. Breaking the kiss but remaining in his arms, she whispered, "The Beef. You need your Beef... I need your Beef."

But of course, there was an interruption.

"FUCKING! HELP! ME!" Deadblood screamed as Hra'gad face/tail smacked him silly, knocking him into pipes and machinery. It smacked him repeatedly, disarming him of the katana once again. Every time he stood back up, the face/tail struck again. The side of his head was bleeding. Blood was running out of his mouth. He tried to pull out his shotgun, but Hra'gad just as easily removed that from his hands too.

Deciding to stay down for a moment, DB said, "I just want to go back to my cabin..."

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