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Posted at 3:41 pm on Oct 8, 2017 by: DARKSPADE
It is All Over.

Red was still laughing up a storm up to the point he was on the ground kicking his feet in the air at the sight of Gojinn!!! Suddenly, Hra'Gojinn comes at Red with his katanas - swiping and slashing at the ground - but Red manages to leap up into the air avoiding the slashes....

Angel was joined by Deadblood who backed away from the ominous child.... he looks down at Angel still holding tightly the Monster Beef....

"GET RID OF THAT THING!!! What's the matter with YOU!!!? Urgh. I had a good home before all of this....."

Angel opened her eyes and looked into the dripping oozing hole of the Monster Beef... it was actually tearing up.... Angel nodded realizing that it was finally time to reunite with the other part of Red Spyder she loved so so much.... and so as Hra'Gojinn was going apeshit on Red Spyder, and still making excuses for the failed attacks, Angel throws the Monster Beef at Red Spyder!!!!

In mid-air the BEEF turned around to showcase its bloodied up cut up end!!! Red sees the BEEF, pulls down his panties and the BEEF dig deep inside of Red's stitched up makeshift vagina!!!

Even Hra'Gojinn had to back away from the tremendous display of power that came from the rejoining of Red Spyder and his Monster BEEF!!!!

But the celebrations were short as Hra'Gojinn growled and dashed with such furious that the entire place shook - aiming his katanas at Red Spyder's heart and before you could see it- the eerie kid with the Mortal Belt raises the belt and it disintegrated sending millions of pieces. the kid instantly disappears after.... Red Spyder, empowered with the power of Mortal Belt, sends his Monster Beef through Hra'Gojinn's chest and impaled its core in one swift attack......

The being fell to the floor immediately and Gojinn's form dissolves away to reveal a shriveled up old man.... Hra'gad looked up as Red Spyder took Hra'gad's core in his hand.... with a glee Red Spyder crushes the core in his hands sending the remains faded away in the air....

Hra'gad then flips off Red Spyder and falls face first into the organic floor...

The clone Charon and Darkspade were double teamed by Staphanie and the real Charon.... Darkspade avoided crab attack after crab attack until he saw an opening.... with his powers continuing to return to himself... Darkspade was able to ascend into his Unholy Cardinal form and materialize his Unholy Scythe in his right hand!!!! The view pans around in slow motion- showing Staphanie going for an attack with her crab-hand-claws to Darkspade's throat but Darkspade swings the Scythe and slices Staphanie up into pieces!!!! As the pieces fell to the ground they turned into millions of crab larva!!! Darkspade flicks his fingers and each one of them incarcerated up into smokes and surprisingly something drew him into a portal which came of his Unholy Energies... screams out loud to his daughter fighting herself... Err... well technically the REAL Daughter.... but it was too late as Darkspade was whisk back several hours ago at CreatureMania.

With Darkspade temporarily gone.... the two Charon fought one another until the REAL Charon was had her clone in her grasp... literately, as the real Charon lifted her clone up into the air by her neck. The clone Charon willingly released her hands and allowed for the real Charon to kill her when all of a sudden, the dick of F'ein Dacor finally emerges from a sewage drain.... by this time Hra'gad just died and its clones were dying also.... but the pieces of the spirit Hra'gad suddenly emerged from the defeated clones in the main chamber and entered through F'ein Dacor's willing urethra lips!! It was almost he was gulping the essences up like a Slurpee...

F'ein Dacor squishes up into a ball and catapults up into the air and enters through the clone Charon's mouth..... Instantly, the clone Charon exhibited an unusual power- not only surviving its own demise- but the Clone tears the real Charon's arms apart and kicks the real Charon aside.... that was when Darkspade re-appeared again from his sentencing to death that slutty bitch Diper at CreatureMania.... Darkspade did not understand what had happened and who sent him into the past but he was back!!! but, he was unaware of who that Charon was on the floor dying....

The concealed clone Charon swiftly nodded and pointed at Hra'gad dead in the main chamber... Darkspade believed that the body in with its two arms pulled out was the clone Charon and his "real" daughter was standing right next time him.....

Meanwhile.... back in the main chamber..... it seemed that the day was won....
Darkspade and "Charon" re-joined Red Spyder, Deadblood and Angel in the main chamber and they all stare at each other laughing... except, Deadblood had already grabbed his shotgun and just walked away..... However, everyone had forgotten Markus who just pulled himself off from the walls.... he laughs manically at all of them:

"Mwwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....hahahhahaahhaa!!! FOOLS!!! Every single one of you.... ARE FOOLS!! You think that you won? I have news for ALL OF YOU [stands up and reaches his hands out] I WILL USE THE LAST OF HRA'GAD'S POWERS AND OPEN THE APOCALYPSE!!!"

In horror, everyone saw the charred remains of Hra'gad move until a dark spiritual orb, the last remaining piece of Hra'gad's dark spirit, enters into Markus' body.... in an instant the Moon up-high above Earth glowed a dark red and an eye materializes.... The eye quickly transformed into a gigantic doorway.... trillions of Hellish hordes rained down upon Earth sending it ablaze with its destructiveness.....

Red Spyder shook his head and in one instant he impaled Markus with the Monster Beef finally killing him......

Everyone looked at each other in silence.....

"There HAS to be something that we can do? SOMETHING!!!"

Charon then stepped up...
"There is. There might be a way.... if, only if, we had the Final Key we could go back into the past and prevent Hra'gad from even happening.... I believe the Final Key is here with us because my dad was sent briefly several hours into the past to pop some stupid ass bitch."

That made Darkspade chuckle a bit, even as the Apocalypse was finally here... And then, from behind Angel that eerie freak'n kid appeared again.... but this time, it paused for Angel... Angel turned around and knelled down to him

"Thank you.... thank you. But I am afraid it was too late...."

The kid points to the red locket around Angel's neck... it was pulsating!!! Angel swiftly takes the necklace with the locket off of her neck and holds it up into the air....

"This thing... why is it doing this?"

Charon was salivating at the mouth....
"Well. That makes sense.... its Julie's locket... an artifact of the Vaolrixous tribe.... those motherfuckers- well that's where they hid the Oracle's power all of this time..... Heh"

Everyone turns around shocked and confused at Charons' remarks.... that was when in the background you could see the "other" Charon was inching herself in their direction while still bleeding out from her lack of limbs..... The fact that there were still two Charons alive means that....... Hra'gad was not completely done yet!!! That was when the kid raises his finger and points at the so-called real Charon and says "It's HIM"

Everyone realized in horror what he meant but before they could do anything- the imposter Charon snatches the Final Key and clenches it in his hands..... with her eyes aglow in a horrific hatred red-- The imposter Charon blows everyone away by its powers and as the rain of fire from the Apocalypse bombard the place they all stood-- the imposter Charon vanished through a portal into the past......


Bio | The Unholy Chronicles |The Unholy Reminiscence

[Undisputed Champion (4); CW/CWE World Heavyweight Champion (3); CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)]

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