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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 8:08 pm on Apr 11, 2016 by: Botch Recliner (Soon-To-Be Champion Champion)

As Botch's music played, everyone looked to the stage, expecting him to stumble at any moment. He didn't.

King: "Where's Botch?"

JBL: "Maybe he's not coming out because he views Buff as a waste of his time!"

A few minutes later, Michael Cole finally chimed in.

Cole: "I'm being told that's there are technical problems backstage, which is where we'll be cutting to now!"

Botch's music continued playing as they showed him walking around backstage, looking around confused at the sound of the HUHS.

"Botch, it's time for you to go out," someone off-camera said to Botch.

"HUH? IT'S TYPE FOR YOU TO SHOVE UP," Botch said, wandering right past a giant sign pointing to where MegaStars should go to make their entrance. "CAN ONE OF YOU DUBBED REDDICKS TALL ME WHERE YOU GO?"

Despite people pointing and telling him where to go, he only HUH'D and continued roaming the halls of the arena. Eventually, he ended up near the snack bar and got in line.

"HUH? I'M HUNG," he said when asked what he was doing.

After he got a hotdog and soda, his adventure continued, leading him out of the arena completely. A few hours, he appeared in the nosebleed section with half a hotdog on the Soon-To-Be Champion Championship's paper plate. It took him another couple hours to navigate through the crowd before he fell over the barricade into the ring area. Another hour later, he finally managed to roll into the ring and much to everyone's relief, his music stopped playing.

Dropping what was left of his hotdog and his tights to the mat, he pulled a mic out of his thong and said, "HUH? THIS IS GONE TO BE THE BET CRATEMANY 133 EVER BECOUGH I'M HAIR TO INTERCOURSE ALL YOU STEW, FAAAAAAAAAKE ASS REDDICKS."

Other messages in this thread:
  • The Supremacy - CreatureWrestling - 4:51:00 PM on 04/09/2016
  • Non-title, un-championship, Soon-to-Be Championship: Botch Recliner(c) VS Buff Fagwell - CreatureWrestling - 4:50:42 PM on 04/09/2016
  • The Absolute Undisputed or Mortal Wrestling Championships: DARKSPADE(c) VS Deadblood(c) VS Shi Dorsujun Ku - CreatureWrestling - 4:50:25 PM on 04/09/2016
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