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MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 2:23 am on Feb 3, 2015 by: Red Spyder
You can cut me into tiny pieces and burn them to ashes and I'll still find a way to end you! I'm just that damn Wicked. ;)

Spade peered down into the second compartment, the smell of rotting flesh hitting him as it wafted up through the now open hatch. With Red still down on the gore-covered mat, the Unholy One hopped down through the hatch, landing on his feet. This compartment was much darker than the first. In fact, besides the light coming in through the hatch's entryway, the only light source down there came from a few lights mounted to the walls. They provided just enough light for the competitors to see that there were indeed more corpses to dig through.

Cole: "DarkSpade is now in that second compartment! He has given himself a slight lead over Red Spyder!"

King: "Red better get to his feet and get down into that compartment too and fast! There's no telling what Spade might find down there before Red can catch up to him!"

Pickaxe still in his hands, Spade plunged it into the chest of the nearest corpse, pulling back until it ripped open the corpse's ribcage with a wet snap!!! Reaching into the hole, he yanked out handfuls of muscle and guts and anything else he could get his hands on, feeling for that second key!!!!!! Finding nothing there, he moved on to the next corpse, treating it similarly, the second compartment already looking like the ring above, the floor there becoming slick with blood and the other juices from the corpses!!!!!!!!!

King: "I think I'm going to be sick! It's so hard to tell what's going on down there... but those sounds... ugh..."

JBL: "Come on, Jerry! It's just dead meat! Rotting, slippery, stringy, flesh!"

King: "Oh god... please stop..."

Red finally began to get back up and when he was to his feet, he quickly realized that Spade had found that key!!! Wasting no time, he hopped down into the hole, landing on a pile of organs that Spade had removed, nearly slipping and falling!!!!! He could see Spade nearby, digging through another corpse. He hadn't noticed Red yet though. Moving through the darkened room towards Spade, Red noticed a length of chain attached to one of the corpses' ankle, part of a shackle. Grabbing the chain, Red wrapped it tightly around Spade's neck, pulling on the chain as hard of he could, intent on strangling Spade right there in the middle of the match!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frantically, Spade starting swinging the pickaxe back, attempting to strike the Guardian of Wickedness with it to break his hold. Before Spade could get in a lucky shot, Red suddenly dropped down, still holding onto the chain, pulling his knees up to drive them into Spade's back as they both fell to the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pickaxe bounced out of Spade's grasp, landing on the floor, out of his reach, but he wasn't done fighting back, still struggling, reaching at the chain with his hands, trying to his fingers between the chain and his neck!!!!!!!!!!!!

"It's time for you to truly become one with these corpses you seem to love so much!" Red said as he pulled even tighter on the chain!!!!!

Somehow, the Unholy One still wasn't out and Red began to climb to his feet, continuing to hold the chain around Spade's neck, dragging him up too!!! He was about to drop back to the floor again, hoping to perhaps snap Spade's neck, when he managed to get his fingers around the chain, yanking it off of his neck and before Red even realized what happened, Spade scooped up the pickaxe and cracked Red under the chin with it, basically uppercutting him with the tool and causing him to drop the floor, grabbing at his chin in pain as blood poured between his fingers!!!!!!!!!!! He then dropped down, as if to deliver an elbow drop, but instead smashing the pickaxe into Red's nose, breaking it, causing more blood to gush out!!!!!!!!!

Standing over Red, Spade raised the pickaxe high into the air. He intentions were clear. He was going to drive the sharp end of the pickaxe right into Red's skull, effectively ending the match. All he would have to do then is search for the keys to escape the match. Right before he could swing the pickaxe downward though, Red kicked Spade hard in the shins, causing him to slip in the gore on the floor, falling backwards!!!!!! Before he could recover, Red climbed up onto Spade and wrapped both of his large hands around Spade's throat, choking him again, his blood dripping down onto Spade's face, before bashing the back of his head repeatedly against the hard floor, his skull bouncing off with a wet smack!!!!!!!!!

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