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MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 4:04 am on Apr 27, 2015 by: Red Spyder (Guardian of Wickedness)
Parts of me beg to differ. (no, not THAT part, see the CM Moment for THAT)

With Red blown to pieces, Darkspade just needed to find his way back out of the Gate of Wickedness to win the match. A task that would no doubt be much easier without Red trying to kill him at the same time.

Spade began walking down the street, but he didn't get far when he saw one of Red's hands, moving on its own!!!!!!

"I don't think so!" Spade said to hand before raising his foot, intending to crush the hand under his boot!!!

The hand had other plans though, quickly crawling up Spade's other leg, running around to his back as he flailed, trying to knock the hand away, before reaching Spade's neck and grabbed tightly at his throat!!!!!!!!! Spade grabbed at the disembodied hand, trying to pry the little bastard from his throat, but it was quite strong for what it was!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frantically looking around for something like a crowbar or tire iron to hand remove the hand, Spade saw a partially open car trunk that might contain just what he was looking for when he saw Red's other hand come out of hiding!!!!!!!!!

Before Spade could get any closer to the trunk of the car, the hand scuttled across the ground towards the Unholy One on its fingers and jumped into the air, delivering a punch to Spade's balls!!!!!!!!!!!! It didn't stop there though and quickly grabbed Spade's balls, squeezing them hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spade would have let out of a scream of pain if at the same time, the hand on his throat hadn't tightened its grip further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Falling to his knees, Spade continued trying to free himself of Red's hands, but he momentarily forgot all about them when Red's legs waltzed into view, still attached at the waist, or perhaps they had managed to reattach themselves!!!!!!!!! Spade really wasn't sure!!! He quickly remembered the hands though when they both released their grip at the same time, dropping back down to the ground, only to repeatedly fly up at his face, curled into fists, unrelentingly striking him until he was knocked onto his back on the pavement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What happened next was something Spade was completely unprepared for though. The already dark sky suddenly got darker and multiple bolts of lightning began to crash down onto the ruined city, striking everything from buildings and light poles to cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not knowing where the hands had gone off to, Spade quickly got to his feet and began to run away as the lightning got closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He rushed passed Red's stumbling, seemingly aimless legs, but quickly came to a halt when he saw several tornadoes forming in the distance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure any of the dilapidated buildings would really prove to be that protective, Spade dashed into the nearest one that seemed to have once been a restaurant!!!!!! Before he could find a space hide from the high winds though, one of the tornadoes ripped a hole in the wall of the building, dragging Spade along with tables, chairs, and other debris into the funnel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Unholy One didn't know what would happen next, but to his surprise, the tornado began to dissipate, dropping him roughly onto a flat rooftop!!!!!!!!!

Climbing to his feet, Spade looked around and realized that both the lightning and tornadoes were going away. He had no idea where Red, or at least his severed parts, currently were, but he soon heard the distant sound of footsteps racing up a flight of stairs and as they got closer, he realized they were coming up to the rooftop!!!!!!!!!!!! The Guardian of Wickedness... or something else?

At the top of the stairs, the footsteps stopped. For a moment, Spade wondered if his mind was starting to play tricks on him. In that place, it wouldn't have been a surprise. But then the door burst open and a skinless figure appeared, quickly scanning the rooftop and focusing its view on Spade!!!!!!!!!

He wasn't sure if it was Red or not until he said, "HHHEEEEEERRRRRRRRREEEEEE'SSS JOHNNY!"

Whether Red's hands had reattached themselves to his arms or he'd simply managed to regrow everything, Spade would probably never know, but he focused his own eyes on Red's hands, the glow of Wickedness in his palms!!! He slowly approached Spade, grinning, but when he was within range, Spade reached out and jabbed his thumbs right into Red's eyes, causing him to scream in pain!!!!!!!!!!!! Spade then quickly set Red up and put him through the building's already partially broken skylight with a Final Guidance Driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They didn't just crash into the floor below though, as the impact of both of their bodies sent them through that floor and the others below it, the building starting to collapse internally, their fall only ending when they hit the concrete of the basement floor, Red's head crushing against it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The move would have killed Red if he were a normal man and severely injured Spade if not killed him too, yet among the rubble, there was already some slight movement...

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