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Posted at 5:05 am on Apr 18, 2016 by: Derrick Scrivens
In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals.

"Shit, this suit can go right in the fucking garbage when I get home," Derrick Scrivens said to himself once in the privacy of his office. Adam Faust's old office. Faust, whom he was reminded of every time he entered. It wasn't a reminder of guilt but a reminder of how fun it was to kill off Faust and the others.

He poured himself a glass of cognac before sitting behind his desk. Sheri's reaction was completely unexpected. He'd been trying to turn her against Deadblood, not make her set the room on fire. The fire had come from her. He was certain of that. But how? Nothing in her file mentioned her possessing pyrokinesis, only telekinesis, and nothing CP-ZERO or CR-0006 ever recorded hinted at it either.

"The medication," Scrivens said after thinking over the situation for a little while, slowly sipping away at his drink. "The medication that interfered with her telekinesis..."

He felt that he was on to something big with Ms. Stull. She was a fascinating subject without a doubt. But first he'd need to do some more research regarding her new development.

When Sheri awoke, she was again strapped down. It was a different room however, brightly lit from overhead, the walls and floors a perfectly clean white tile. The last thing she could remember was feeling hot, too hot, and there had been some kind of fire. She no longer felt that heat at least.

No one was in the room with her, so she began to struggle against her restraints, her telekinesis still absent. She kept up her struggling for a while, only stopping when Scrivens entered the room.

"You aren't supposed to be awake," he said, checking her vitals on a screen near her. "I see you feel better at least. You should feel a lot better when we're done with you here."

"What do you mean?" she asked, struggling harder at those words, though she was pretty sure the straps hadn't loosened even slightly. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Just a little something you'll probably want to thanks us for later on," he said, moving to stand at her side, in clear view of her. The burned pants were gone, as it was a different day. "The doctors should be here soon to begin the procedure. I guess this will be the last time you'll see me for a while, but don't worry, I'll see you plenty through CR-0006. Maybe after all of this is over, we can meet for dinner. My treat."

Mrs. Scrivens wouldn't approve of that, but what Mrs. Scrivens didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

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