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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 7:42 am on Apr 21, 2016 by: Red Spyder (Guardian of Wickedness)
I can't even pronounce my partner's name, but who cares? I'm here to win this!

The arena darkened as a strange video appeared on the CreatureTron. Dead knights slowly climbing from their graves and riding off equally dead horses. And then the music began and the Guardian of Wickedness, Red Spyder, appeared to fire launching up around the edges of the stage and ramp, lights flashing about the arena.

His jeans and chest were smeared with dried blood and there was no doubt in the minds of anyone at the arena or watching at home that blood was on his black boots too. By the time he reached the bottom of the ramp and entered the cell to climb into the ring, stepping over the top rope, the fire had subsided.

Before Shi Dorsujun Ku could make his entrance, Red pulled out a mic and said, "I don't really give a shit about these Dual Core titles. Hell, when I win this, maybe I'll do like that halfwit Botch Recliner and eat my meals off of my belt! That's about all the damn thing's worth! But in between the bell that starts this match and the final elimination of my opponents, I'm going to quite enjoy kicking their asses all over this cell! Especially you, Unholy One. Oh especially you! And my partner Shu Ku Dolphin or whatever your name is, just stay the fuck out of my way during this and maybe I'll let you go home with the other belt!"

Tossing the mic out of the ring, Red leaned against a turnbuckle to wait for everyone else.

Cole: "Well, not the kindest words for Red's partner here tonight!"

JBL: "From one wrestler to another, I admire Red's attitude, but from what we've seen so far, Shi and Shokuo might have their own words for Red!"

Other messages in this thread:
  • CreatureMania Moment: 'Supremacy Rules' - CreatureWrestling - 4:56:29 PM on 04/19/2016
  • Soon-to-Be Championship Un-Championship: Botch Recliner(c) VS Diper - CreatureWrestling - 4:56:13 PM on 04/19/2016
  • CW Dual Core Championship: Deadblood & Darkspade VS Shi Dorsujun Ku & Red Spyder - CreatureWrestling - 4:55:58 PM on 04/19/2016
  • Current Members Online: Guest,