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CW RolePlay:
MWE Thread: Thread:
Posted at 5:26 pm on May 23, 2016 by: ?????

After all of that- suddenly- the lights dropped!!! The entire CW Megaverse was shrouded in darkness for several minutes until the lights returned- showing Chane and Staphanie french kissing along with Chane firmly squeezing his sister's breasts!!!!

JBL: How in tarnations is this PG-13?!

But behind them stood... The DARKSPADE!!!! Chane and Staph opened their eyes and turned their heads around in utter shock and terror.... Spade stuck his tongue out and flipping his eyes into the back of his head - then kicked Chane in the balls which sent the boy plunder squirming onto the floor.... Staphanie had her resting bitch face on and then took out her secret weapon.... no, not her tits... but her right hand- but Spade caught her slap attempt and answered back by implanting her with the BloodStrike DDT!!!

The fans woke up and were screaming at the exchange - but the Unholy One and Only was not done... oh no. Then Spade scooped up the Women's Hardcore Porn championship and JUST SPANKED THE HELL OUT OF STAPHANIE WITH IT!! Realizing that she was enjoying this along with her squirting out crabs.... Darkspade decided to run against the ropes with the belt in hand and then nailed an Unholy Elbow drop clear across Staphanie's face causing her to bleed..... Then... Chane oozed back up and did a lil jig but Darkspade whips his head at Chane and points right at him along with holding the Women's belt in his free hand.... complete with Staphanie's blood on it!!!!

DS: Better say your prayers NOW, bitch!!!!

Bio | The Unholy Chronicles |The Unholy Reminiscence

[Undisputed Champion (4); CW/CWE World Heavyweight Champion (3); CW Dual Core Champion (2); CWE IC (3), CWF Tag Team (2); ECF X-Treme (1); CWF Hardcore (1)]

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